CMIC Artistic License Yes University College London NITRC MISST - Microstructure Imaging Sequence Simulation ToolBox Yes MATLAB Andrada Ianus Microstructure Imaging Sequence Simulation Toolbox (MISST), is a practical diffusion MRI simulator for development, testing, and optimisation of novel MR pulse sequences for microstructure imaging. MISST is based on a matrix method approach and simulates the signal for a large variety of pulse sequences and tissue models. Its key purpose is to provide a deep understanding of the restricted diffusion MRI signal for a wide range of realistic, fully flexible, scanner acquisition protocols, in practical computational time. 2018-1-22 version 0.95 2016-9-15 version 0.93 MISST - Microstructure Imaging Sequence Simulation ToolBox Simulation, MR, Artistic License, MATLAB,