MIT Yes NITRC Neurodesk Linux, MacOS, Windows Yes Python, R, Unix Shell Neurodesk provides a containerised data analysis environment to facilitate reproducible analysis of neuroimaging data. The Neurodesk platform includes a browser-accessible Linux desktop environment integrated into Jupyterlab, a cross-platform desktop client and a command line interface. These mediate access to the containerised Neurodesk software libraries from a variety of systems, including personal computers, cloud computing, high-performance computers, and computational notebooks. To find out how to get started visit: Neurodesk Docker, Domain Independent, Computational Neuroscience, MR, EEG/MEG, Web Environment, X11 Applications, Console (Text Based), End Users, Developers, System Administrators, MIT, MacOS, Windows, Linux, NiPyPe, Python, R, Unix Shell, BIDS (Brain Imaging Data Structure), DICOM, EEG Formats, MGH/MGZ, MINC2, NIfTI-1, Nrrd, MINC, MEG Formats, CIFTI, AFNI BRIK, http://