Attribution Non-Commercial Yes NITRC PESTICA & SLOMOCO: physio and motion correction tools Linux, MacOS Yes MATLAB, sh/bash Wanyong Shin Physiologic and motion noise are major problems in BOLD imaging. Physiologic EStimation by Temporal ICA or PESTICA is an MRI-based pulse and respiration monitor. SLice-Oriented MOtion COrrection, or SLOMOCO, is a slice-oriented motion correction for 6DOF motion of every slice. These tools are retrospective and work for ASL, multiband and 7T data. PESTICA detects the pulse and the breathing cycles _from the data itself_, equivalent to a parallel monitored pulse signal and a respiratory chest-bellows signal. One can use parallel monitored or PESTICA-monitored pulse and respiration for correction using the model-based corrections RETROICOR or IRF-RETROICOR. The other half of PESTICA is an adaptive physiologic noise removal tool (Impulse Response Function or IRF-RETROICOR) that zooms in on noise with only 6 regressors, getting all the noise that 5th order RETROICOR gets (using 20 regressors). These tools will allow you to correct your data for physiologic noise with what you currently have. 2022-5-19 4 - Beta PESTICA_AFNI_v5.5 2019-12-04 4 - Beta PESTICA/SLOMOCOv5.2 2016-6-30 4 - Beta PESTICA4(SLOMOCO) 2015-1-05 4 - Beta SpinHistory simulation using SLOMOCO 2014-7-16 4 - Beta SLOMOCO_July2014 2013-2-21 4 - Beta pestica v2.0 (recommended) 2012-11-30 4 - Beta script fix for pestica v1.3 for AFNI users 2012-8-08 4 - Beta pestica v1.3 for AFNI users (recommended) 2012-8-08 4 - Beta pestica_afni v1.3 overview and tutorial 2012-7-13 4 - Beta pestica_afni v1.2 overview and tutorial 2011-6-06 4 - Beta NYU_TRT_classic_all_sessions 2011-5-25 4 - Beta PaloAlto_FCP_classic 2011-2-16 4 - Beta pestica v1.2 additions 2010-11-19 4 - Beta pestica v1.2 for AFNI users (recommended) 2010-6-28 4 - Beta pestica-AFNI example 1 PESTICA & SLOMOCO: physio and motion correction tools Physiological Recording, Algorithm or Reusable Library, Independent Component Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, Workflow, 4 - Beta, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Stroke, Schizophrenia, MR, Console (Text Based), End Users, Attribution Non-Commercial, English, Linux, MacOS, MATLAB, sh/bash, ANALYZE, Alzheimer Disease