GNU General Public License (GPL) Yes NITRC R-package for adaptive DWI analysis MacOS, Microsoft, POSIX/UNIX-like Yes Fortran, R Joerg Polzehl The package dti provides methods for structural adaptive smoothing of diffusion weighted data in the context of the diffusion tensor model. Through its edge preserving properties they reduce data noise without compromizing significant structures. 2016-2-02 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti_1.2-4 2014-5-13 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti_1.2-0 2013-11-27 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti_1.1-7 2011-9-16 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti_0.9-6.2 for Windows 2011-9-16 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.9-6.2 2010-10-12 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.9-2.1 for Windows 2010-10-12 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.9-2.1 2009-4-23 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.8-0 for Windows 2009-4-23 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.8-0 2009-2-13 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.6-0 for Windows 2009-2-13 5 - Production/Stable/Mature dti 0.6-0 R-package for adaptive DWI analysis MR, MacOS, Microsoft, POSIX/UNIX-like, AFNI BRIK, ANALYZE, NIfTI-1, DICOM, Console (Text Based), English, 5 - Production/Stable/Mature, Fortran, R, GNU General Public License (GPL), End Users