INRA/CNRS/Université de Tours/IFCE Free For Non-Commercial Use Only, Attribution Non-Commercial Yes Neuroendocrinologie des Interactions et Comportements Sexuels (NICS) NITRC Turone Mouse Brain Template and Atlas Yes David André Barrière The Turone Mouse Brain Template and Atlas (TMBTA) resources offer to the preclinical neuroimaging community a complete set of ex vivo template, tissues priors as well as anatomical atlas of the mouse brain. This new set of resources allows both linear and non-linear coregistration of multimodal acquisitions performed on the same animal (functional, anatomical and diffusion), leading to an accurate identification of the brain territories involved in a physiological or pathophysiological process. The TMBTA is a support for the standardization of MRI preclinical research. 2022-9-01 Turone_Mouse_Brain_Template_V1.0 Turone Mouse Brain Template and Atlas Computational Neuroscience, Free For Non-Commercial Use Only, Attribution Non-Commercial, http://