dke-questions > 2dseq from PV 6.0.1
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Sep 10, 2020  07:09 PM | psikorova
2dseq from PV 6.0.1
Good morning,

I have a question about running DKE with DICOM files created in Paravision 6.0.1. After failing at loading my bruker data in DKE software using the command line, I wanted to try to upload DICOM files from PV 6.0.1 using both the command line and also the GUI, which DKE also provides. However, it seems that these files do not have any headers, which are typical for any other DICOM files - the DKE apparently requires it and since it cannot find it within my bruker DICOMs, it cannot identify the directions nor B0 correctly. And thus, the process cannot be executed properly. So I must wonder -  are DICOMs from PV 6.0.1 even compatible with DKE? Does anyone have any experience with this?

Thank you all kindly for any help,
best regards,

Pavlína Sikorová
Sep 11, 2020  12:09 PM | Emilie McKinnon - MUSC
RE: 2dseq from PV 6.0.1
Hey Pavlina, 

We will have better luck trying to get your data to run with bruker data than using the DICOMs from your bruker scanner I have not had much luck with DICOMs from the scanner :) 
