open-discussion > Neurosynth: New Year, New Features
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Feb 7, 2024  04:02 PM | Angie Laird - Florida International University
Neurosynth: New Year, New Features

2023 was an exciting year for the Neurosynth team, with the public launch of the Compose platform:

In the December we saw over 500 new user visits, with 200+ sign ups! πŸš€

Help us keep this growth going by sharing our announcement πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬

🌟 What’s New 🌟

In January, we've added new features and continued to improve the user experience. Here are some highlights:

Large-scale association tests

A feature that sets Neurosynth apart is large-scale association maps.

Whereas a typical meta-analysis tells you if activity is consistently reported, an association test tells you if activation occurs more consistently in your set of studies versus a large-scale reference sample.

That's important, because that means you can control for differences in base rate of activation. Certain regions, such as the insula or lateral PFC, play a broad role in cognition, and are consistently activated across many many different tasks. Using MKDA Chi-Squared, you can test if brain activity in a region (such as the insula) is specifically associated with the studies in your meta-analysis.

You can now you can perform custom association tests for your meta-analyses in Neurosynth Compose! Check out the tutorial below, including an example from a recent meta-analysis on social processing. Check out our tutorial, including an example from a recent meta-analysis on social processing:

✨UX Enhancements ✨

Based on your feedback, we've made many fixes and improvements:

  • Simplified Curation: Importing studies is faster and streamlined!

  • Searching UI: It's now easier to choose your preferred search method, and we auto-generate search import names. In addition, resolving duplicates is skipped if none are present.

  • Improved Editing Workflow: The editing interface has been improved, streamlining data extraction.

  • Various UX Improvements and Fixes: We fixed many UX papercuts, especially in the Extraction phase.

Remember, we want your feedback! Feel free to email us directly, or ask a question on Neurostars:


The Neurosynth Team πŸ§