questions > RE: Voxel values 500 times higher with dcm2niix
Feb 9, 2017  09:02 PM | Felix Navarro Guirado - Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga
RE: Voxel values 500 times higher with dcm2niix
Dear Chris, 

Using your tool to convert a Philips ADC map from dicom to nifti (Chris Rorden's dcm2niiX version 10oct2016 (32-bit Windows))  I get this:

Philips Precise RS:RI:SS = 3.01783:0:0.0042949 (see PMC3998685)

Looking into PMC3998685 I can find that the final equation used to transform stored values (PV) into the final values (FP) is:

FP = PV ·(1/SS) + RI/(RS·SS) = PV · scl_slope + scl_intercept.

The scl_slope (1/SS) and the scl_intercept  (RI/(RS·SS)) values written in the nifti file by your tool agree with that definition, but if I get the FP values using the PV values written in the raster I don't get the FP values obtained with other tools (DWIConvert and mcverter, which perform this operation and save a nifti file with scl_slope=1, scl_intercept = 0 and FP values in the raster). In order to make your nifti agree with the other two I need to use FP = PV · 1/scl_slope.

I'm pretty sure that the correct values are the other two because I'm working with an ADC map and those are which make sense.

Am I missing something?

Thanks for sharing your tool.

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Pascal Pas Oct 23, 2016
Chris Rorden Feb 19, 2017
Chris Rorden Oct 26, 2016
RE: Voxel values 500 times higher with dcm2niix
Felix Navarro Guirado Feb 9, 2017
Chris Rorden Feb 9, 2017
Felix Navarro Guirado Feb 10, 2017
Pascal Pas Oct 26, 2016
Chris Rorden Oct 25, 2016
Pascal Pas Oct 25, 2016