nitrc-ce > RE: Bandwidth stats
Apr 25, 2022  11:04 AM | David Cash
RE: Bandwidth stats
Hi Christian-
Thanks for that, and very encouraging (thank goodness for efficient remote desktop solutions or our department would have been a mess over the pandemic). We are planning as a pre-conference workshop at a hotel that claimed they could provide 5 Mbps, and we are aiming for roughly 30 attendees. So that sounds as if there will be enough slack for everyone to have their own VM, since as you said there will be lots of downtime, and it is going to be fairly self-paced, so unlikely that there will be lots of synchrony of high activity. 

Can I ask how you measured the bandwidth? Was that from inside the VM or using some of Amazon's performance metric dashboards of the VM?
Many thanks for all of your help,
David Cash
Originally posted by Christian Haselgrove:
Hi again Dave,

That's a really good question.  I ran FreeView today for some visualization tasks and Gaucamole averaged about 85 KB/s.  Keep in mind that I was making a point to be fairly active during my test -- if your workshop is anything like those I've seen, there will be significant downtime while some participants pause with questions and others rush ahead and then have to wait.

Do let me know if I can help in any way with an assessment of the venue.


Threaded View

David Cash Apr 20, 2022
Christian Haselgrove Apr 20, 2022
RE: Bandwidth stats
David Cash Apr 25, 2022
Christian Haselgrove Apr 25, 2022