help > BRAINSMush executable in the build tree?
May 29, 2012  02:05 PM | David Welch
BRAINSMush executable in the build tree?

From: Thanellas Antonios-Konstantinos

Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 18:02:31 +0000

To: "David M. Welch"

Subject: BRAINS build problem in Ubuntu platform

Dear David,

I found your contact e-mail in the while trying to find a way to overcome some problems when building BRAINS in my Ubuntu platform.

I have to apologize in advance if I was not supposed to contact you for such an issue. If this is the case could you please inform me where should I refer to?

My problem is the following.While building the  BRAINSStandAlone using the guides provided in the README file

I had the following problem:

[ 78%] No install step for 'BRAINSTools'

[ 78%] Completed 'BRAINSTools'

and the bin directory had only very few executable files (not including BRAINSMush which I am mainly interested for).


ls /home/dinos/src/brainsmush/BRAINSStandAlone-build/bin

BRAINSCleanMask         ProcessShader

GenerateAverageLmkFile  TestlandmarksConstellationTrainingDefinitionIO

H5detect                vtkEncodeString

H5make_libsettings      vtkHashSource

itkTestDriver           vtkmkg3states

LmkStatistics           vtkParseOGLExt



More details on the building process can be found on the attached .txt file.

Thank you in advance and I apologise again if I caused you any discomfort.

With best Regards



Antonios-Konstantinos Thanellas

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science (BECS)

School of Science and Technology

Aalto University

P.O. Box 12200, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland

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BRAINSMush executable in the build tree?
David Welch May 29, 2012
David Welch May 29, 2012
alaa megawer Sep 23, 2012