hbn > ADOS scores for HBN individuals diagnosed with ASD
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Mar 26, 2024  03:03 PM | Borja Rodriguez Herreros - CHUV
ADOS scores for HBN individuals diagnosed with ASD


I am a researcher working with the HBN dataset. After completion of the DUA and getting your approval, we downloaded all phenotypic data from LORIS.

Is there any ongoing procedure to release and provide ADOS scores for the HBN individuals diagnosed with ASD? Should we expect these scores being released to be incorporated in the phenotypic dataset in the near future?


Mar 27, 2024  07:03 PM | FCP/INDI Admin
RE: ADOS scores for HBN individuals diagnosed with ASD

Thank you for reaching out. ADOS scores are not currently released but will be included in a future release. The scores will be incorporated in the phenotypic dataset. We will mention the release of ADOS scores in the release note. Thank you.