hbn > Negative Life Events scale coding
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Jul 31, 2024  08:07 PM | Dustin Moraczewski - NIMH
Negative Life Events scale coding

Hello - the data we're seeing in NLES_P are inconsistent with the data dictionary. For example, item 01a according to the data dictionary is binary (1/0, yes/no), but we are seeing values of 2 in the data. I have confirmed this both from the data we've downloaded but also on LORIS itself. 

What does a 2 mean for the 0/1, yes/no questions?

Thank you!

Aug 5, 2024  08:08 PM | FCP/INDI Admin
RE: Negative Life Events scale coding

Hi, thanks for your question. The meaning of 2 for questions 1a, 4a, 5a of the NLES_P is "N/A - No Siblings".