Posted By: David Kennedy - Aug 6, 2009
Tool/Resource: Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
fMRI data analysis workshop: Statistical modeling and detection issues in intra- and inter-subject functional MRI data analysis

Early registration deadline (EXTENSION to Aug. 14th).
See for rate details.

Organized by: Bertrand Thirion, Alexis Roche, Philippe Ciuciu and Tom Nichols

Workshop date: Thursday 24th September 2.00 -5.30 pm

Overview of the workshop

Functional MRI (fMRI) provides a unique view on brain activity, which is used both for a better understanding of brain functional anatomy and the assessment of various mental diseases. The analysis of fMRI data entails detection issues, in which it has to be decided whether certain regions shows an activity significantly correlated to some variables of interest. This problem can be formulated in a given individual dataset (in which case the variable of interest is the experimental paradigm) or in a multi-subject dataset (the variable of interest is then a behavioral, clinical, or genetic factor of interest). Moreover, this problem can be handled as a modeling problem when addressing the temporal structure of the BOLD response and various fluctuations observed in fMRI datasets, or when delineating brain regions, especially across individuals, as well as a statistical problem: for instance, a typical concern is to warrant a certain control over false positives (specificity) for a testing procedure, or to achieve an optimal compromise between sensitivity and specificity by using judicious decision statistics.

While some of these questions may be familiar to the medical imaging community, partly for historical reasons, the neuroimaging community has developed specific contributions to solve these issues, and all the questions mentioned above are still the object of active research. This workshop should be an opportunity to discuss and evaluate several solutions that have been proposed to solve these questions, and to confront different points of view.

Preliminary Program: September 24th

14:00-14:05 Welcome
14:05-14:50 Statistical perspective on fMRI data analysis (T. Nichols)
14:50-15:15 Multi-Group Functional MRI Analysis Using Statistical Activation Priors. Deepti R. Bathula, Lawrence H. Staib, Hemant D. Tagare, Xenophon Papademetris, Robert T. Schultz, and James S. Duncan.
15:15-15:40 Surface-based versus volume-based fMRI group analysis: a case study. Alan Tucholka, Merlin Keller, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Alexis Roche, and Bertrand Thirion.

15:40-15:50 Break

15:50-16:15 CanICA: Model-based extraction of reproducible group-level ICA patterns from fMRI time series G. Varoquaux, S. Sadaghiani, J.B. Poline, B. Thirion
16:15-16:40 Exploring the temporal quality of fMRI acquisitions B. Scherrer, O. Commowick, S. K. Warfield
16:40-16:50 Flash presentation (poster session)
16:50-17:30: Poster session & discussion

Gael Varoquaux
Research Fellow, INRIA
Laboratoire de Neuro-Imagerie Assistee par Ordinateur
NeuroSpin/CEA Saclay , Bat 145, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette France
++ 33-1-69-08-79-92
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