help > use of MANCOVA without SPHARM-PDM?
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Jan 17, 2013  10:01 PM | Antonios Makropoulos
use of MANCOVA without SPHARM-PDM?
Hi there,

I have a number of shapes that I aligned with Procrustes alignment, and remeshed so that the surface points correspond to similar across the subjects.
I wanted to ask you whether I could use the shapeAnalysisMancova toolbox for the statistics.
The input in my case would be directly the surface vtk files (converted to .meta).

Thank you,
May 16, 2013  07:05 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: use of MANCOVA without SPHARM-PDM?
Hi Antonios,

Yes, you can use vtk files with shapeAnalysisMANCOVA as far as they are correspondent meshes (remember statistics are done point-wise).
