open-discussion > ABIDE I raw/DICOM images
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Jan 13, 2021 09:01 AM | Roberto Vagnetti - Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
ABIDE I raw/DICOM images
Hi all,
I've downloaded some images of the ABIDE I (preprocessed by DPARSF) dataset but I am having difficulties in the analysis.
Basing on my research's aim I would like to use dynamic casual modelling with SPM to confirm (or not) my hypothesis.
Although it seems that it is not possible with preprocessed data I've dowbloaded from this site, then I would like to know if there is a way to obtain not processed images or DICOMs or some alternatives to my problems (e.g. .mat file with processing output, motion correction file, alternative methods, etc...)
From some researches or questions in this forum it seems that there is a way to obtain raw data (correct me if I am wrong), is there a particular site or method to obtain some useful file or data for my aim.
Thanks for the attention,
I've downloaded some images of the ABIDE I (preprocessed by DPARSF) dataset but I am having difficulties in the analysis.
Basing on my research's aim I would like to use dynamic casual modelling with SPM to confirm (or not) my hypothesis.
Although it seems that it is not possible with preprocessed data I've dowbloaded from this site, then I would like to know if there is a way to obtain not processed images or DICOMs or some alternatives to my problems (e.g. .mat file with processing output, motion correction file, alternative methods, etc...)
From some researches or questions in this forum it seems that there is a way to obtain raw data (correct me if I am wrong), is there a particular site or method to obtain some useful file or data for my aim.
Thanks for the attention,