Hello, this is Lynn Kim.
I am having some difficulty using your data. I would like to inquire about the data access permissions.
Please check the images below.
Hi, please request access to https://www.nitrc.org/project/request.ph...
I've already request access to the link.
See this: "You have already sent a request to the tool/resource administrators. Please wait for their reply."
Does this accessing process take a long time?
Could you please send the screenshots to CMIDataUsage@childmind.org? Thank you.
Hello, I am also in the exact same situation. I have been granted User role for the 1000 Functional Connectomes Project on NITRC, but still don't have access to the COBRE data files. What should I do?
Thanks for your prompt help,
Tin Le
Hi, can you please request access to FCP at https://www.nitrc.org/project/request.php?group_id=404 and let us know if the problem persists? Thanks.
Originally posted by FCP/INDI Admin :
Hi, can you please request access to FCP at https://www.nitrc.org/project/request.php?group_id=404 and let us know if the problem persists? Thanks.
I just got approved access to that group and everything works now. Thank you for your kind help!