open-discussion > is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
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Jun 25, 2011  02:06 PM | Onur Ugurlu
is spharm-pdm has a interface ?

  ı downloaded the zip file v.1.10.7 : Is that version has a interface ?
  if it has , how can ı start the interface?

  Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !
Jun 27, 2011  01:06 PM | Lucile Bompard
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Onur,

The module ShapeAnalysisModule is a Slicer interface. That is to say you have toad the directories of the binaries in Slicer3.
The second part, ShapeAnalysisMANCOVA is a graphic interface loadable via Slicer or via command line.
You can find a tutorial of shapeAnalysisModule in Docs/Documentation and for the MANCOVA module at the same place but on this page :

Let us know if you have any kind of issues.

Best regards,
Jun 28, 2011  01:06 AM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Lucile , Thanks for response.

 ı began to work in command line. I applied to hipocampus this three procedure.




   And the outputs are ;
label_surfSPHARM_ellalign.meta and

 How can ı use that data for statistical analysis ?  
 Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thanks!

Jun 28, 2011  05:06 PM | Sylvia Hon
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Onur,

Can you show me how you were able to obtain the outputs through the command line for the Hippocampus data set? Is the processed data for the entire group of hippocampi? Using the Slicer interface, I can't seem to generate those outputs without errors. I'd greatly appreciate it.

Jun 29, 2011  04:06 PM | Lucile Bompard
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Onur,

Yes indeed, you can use those files for the statistical study.
You can go on this page :

And then you can follow the tutorial.
Let me know if you have any kind of questions.

Best Regards,
Jun 29, 2011  09:06 PM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
ı have been already trying to use shapeAnalysis_MANCOVA. Because of not using the shapeanalysismodule , ı couldnt create a csv file for shapeAnalysis_MANCOVA. As ı told in previous message, ı have these files ; label_surfSPHARM.coef, label_surfSPHARM.meta,

label_surfSPHARM_ellalign.coef,  label_surfSPHARM_ellalign.meta and


 ı discovered that csv file should contain vtk files path. But ı havent got vtk files. Can I use the label_surfSPHARM_procalign.meta.for csv file after converting with way of "Meta2VTK".
Jun 29, 2011  09:06 PM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Sylvia,

I followed these step in SPHARM-PDM Insight Journal 2006. I used terninal for process. The article involves the use of functions.
 You can reach the article by

 I hope it will helpful for you. İf there is a problem afterwords you can write again.

Jul 8, 2011  09:07 AM | Sylvia Hon
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Onur,

The article was very helpful with the command lines, thank you. I have a few questions, hopefully you can answer them since you were able to work through the main pipeline.

1. What is the number you put for --label for SegPostProcess and GenParaMesh? For the given hippocampus tutorial data set, I noticed that if I put --label 1, the output is an empty image, and if I leave the --label out using the default value of 0, I actually get a volume image. However, when I apply --label 0 using the output binary file from SegPostProcess for GenParaMesh, an error occur.

2. For GenParaMesh, do you only get two mesh outputs: _para.meta and _surf.meta ?

3. In the article, for ParaToSPHARMMesh, they have filenames for flipTemplate and regTemplate. Where would I usually find the .coef and .meta file for those inputs?

Thank you,
Jul 21, 2011  10:07 PM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: is spharm-pdm has a interface ?
Hi Sylvia, 
I'am so sorry, ı forgot to response your questions.

 1. I have wrote my pipeline in .
 2. yes.


 I hope , thats help. I sorry about the late response. 

