open-discussion > [Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
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Jul 27, 2011 06:07 AM | Jeongsik Kim
[Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Hi everyone,
I have a question about an runtime error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3.
Sylvia Hon and Beatriz Paniagua already mentioned for a similar problem "MeshMath error in ShapeAnalysisModule".
When I encountered it, I read Beatriz Paniagua's post,
And then I tried the following steps, but I couldn't solve the problem.
now, I give my trials to let you know what the situation is.
1) As prerequiste step, I did run the individual commands
(SetPostProcess, GenParaMesh and ParaToSPHARMMesh).
I confirmed that all of them worked well in the command line.
2) Then I did run "ShapeAnalysisModule" within Slicer3 by following the tutorial referred in NITRC site.
- input folder: set to "/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisModule_TutorialData"
- output folder: set to "/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results"
the follwing error occured:
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...
192 // I think it were generated.
Number of Datas: 4
Executing BatchMake...
Cannot open file:
// I confirmed that it were generated but cannot be found.
Executing BatchMake: Done!
Execute Meshmath...
Error: Could not run MeshMath: // it is because the prior error
No such file or directory
For the first error,
I don't know the file, "". Which role does it play ?
I found it in the Slicer3 folder.
My working directory is "/usr/local/bin". there are "spharm" and "Slicer3" folders.
And the "tutorial_data" folder locates in "/usr/local/bin/spharm folder"
I don't understand why "ShapeAnalysisModule_id26038 were generated in Slicer3 folder.
I would really like to get any information or tips to solve it.
I have a question about an runtime error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3.
Sylvia Hon and Beatriz Paniagua already mentioned for a similar problem "MeshMath error in ShapeAnalysisModule".
When I encountered it, I read Beatriz Paniagua's post,
And then I tried the following steps, but I couldn't solve the problem.
now, I give my trials to let you know what the situation is.
1) As prerequiste step, I did run the individual commands
(SetPostProcess, GenParaMesh and ParaToSPHARMMesh).
I confirmed that all of them worked well in the command line.
2) Then I did run "ShapeAnalysisModule" within Slicer3 by following the tutorial referred in NITRC site.
- input folder: set to "/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisModule_TutorialData"
- output folder: set to "/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results"
the follwing error occured:
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...
192 // I think it were generated.
Number of Datas: 4
Executing BatchMake...
Cannot open file:
// I confirmed that it were generated but cannot be found.
Executing BatchMake: Done!
Execute Meshmath...
Error: Could not run MeshMath: // it is because the prior error
No such file or directory
For the first error,
I don't know the file, "". Which role does it play ?
I found it in the Slicer3 folder.
My working directory is "/usr/local/bin". there are "spharm" and "Slicer3" folders.
And the "tutorial_data" folder locates in "/usr/local/bin/spharm folder"
I don't understand why "ShapeAnalysisModule_id26038 were generated in Slicer3 folder.
I would really like to get any information or tips to solve it.
Jul 27, 2011 08:07 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: [Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Hi Jeongsik,
Also there is something else to see: do you have all the *surfSPHARM.vtk values for all your population? That MeshMath error ocurrs if 1) the commandline modules are not in the path so the results are not computed, and then the MRML creation fails 2) the commandline modules work but the input data is wrong (i.e. wrong or convoluted topology in your inputs). Try to see that your whole population is computed ok and then re-run the module in Slicer to see whether or not the MRML can be created.
About the bms file you mention, is the BatchMake script that pipelines all the process in Slicer. You can just discard it because it is used in the intermediate steps of the computation.
Also there is something else to see: do you have all the *surfSPHARM.vtk values for all your population? That MeshMath error ocurrs if 1) the commandline modules are not in the path so the results are not computed, and then the MRML creation fails 2) the commandline modules work but the input data is wrong (i.e. wrong or convoluted topology in your inputs). Try to see that your whole population is computed ok and then re-run the module in Slicer to see whether or not the MRML can be created.
About the bms file you mention, is the BatchMake script that pipelines all the process in Slicer. You can just discard it because it is used in the intermediate steps of the computation.
Jul 28, 2011 01:07 AM | Jeongsik Kim
RE: [Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Thanks for your advice.
For the bms file, I did open and read it.
There are information for batch processing of ShapeAnalysisModule.
In my trial, the first error occured with the log "Cannot open file: ".
obviously, the bms file were generated, and then the following step should be loading that file I think.
As I mentioned already, that file were generated in Slicer3 folder.
The first error was the reasson for the MeshMath error I guess.
For the Data I used,
It is the tutorial data posted on SPHARM-PDM Toolbox downloads.
So, I think the data would not be wrong, and the process did not enter at the SetPostProcess step.
And you said that I can discard the bms file.
But I think it would be used to proceed the next following steps. Don't you?
The following log is the full contents of the error.
------ Shape Analysis Module start -----
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...
Number of Datas: 4
Executing BatchMake...
Cannot open file:
Executing BatchMake: Done!
Execute Meshmath...
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
meshmath template
For the bms file, I did open and read it.
There are information for batch processing of ShapeAnalysisModule.
In my trial, the first error occured with the log "Cannot open file: ".
obviously, the bms file were generated, and then the following step should be loading that file I think.
As I mentioned already, that file were generated in Slicer3 folder.
The first error was the reasson for the MeshMath error I guess.
For the Data I used,
It is the tutorial data posted on SPHARM-PDM Toolbox downloads.
So, I think the data would not be wrong, and the process did not enter at the SetPostProcess step.
And you said that I can discard the bms file.
But I think it would be used to proceed the next following steps. Don't you?
The following log is the full contents of the error.
------ Shape Analysis Module start -----
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...
Number of Datas: 4
Executing BatchMake...
Cannot open file:
Executing BatchMake: Done!
Execute Meshmath...
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
meshmath template
Jul 28, 2011 03:07 AM | Jeongsik Kim
RE: [Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Dear all spharm-pdm users,
For the above my problem (error about cannot find the bms file), I solved it.
First, I found that the bms file were generated at the same folder in where the Slicer3 were run in the command line, not in GUI double clicking.
For example, when I run the Slicer3 at /usr/local/bin, the bms were generated at /usr/local/bin.
So, I realized that I have to run Slicer3 in the BatchMake_Applications folder.
However, other error were occurred when I run Slicer3.
I attached the error log. the error is about the XML parsing.
I think it is not the run time error of ShapeAnaysisModule. It's just about the running of Slicer3 in commandline.
The more serious problem for me is the following error messages.
From the below log, I guess that there's no problem to process 1) input data, 2) post processing, 3) genparamesh,
4) paratospharmmesh...
In actual,
"Execute Meshmath... Error: Could not run MeshMath" would be a problem I think.
Please give me any advice or tips. Thanks.
------ Shape Analysis Module start -----
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...
Number of Datas: 1
Executing BatchMake...
Doing Post Processing
Status: Start SegPostProcessCLP /usr/local/bin/TutorialData/origData/groupA_01_hippo.gipl.gz /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz --space 0.5,0.5,0.5
run: 'SegPostProcessCLP' '''/usr/local/bin/TutorialData/origData/groupA_01_hippo.gipl.gz' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz' --space '0.5,0.5,0.5'''
Status: Finish: Execution time 300ms
Doing GenParaMesh
Status: Start GenParaMeshCLP --EulerFile --outEulerName /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/EulerFiles/groupA_01_hippo_euler.txt --iter 10 --label 1 /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk
run: 'GenParaMeshCLP' ''--EulerFile --outEulerName '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/EulerFiles/groupA_01_hippo_euler.txt' --iter '10' --label '1' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk'''
Status: Finish: Execution time 300ms
Doing ParaToSPHARMMesh
Creating Template
Status: Start ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf --subdivLevel 10 --spharmDegree 15 --FinalFlip 0 --paraOut
run: 'ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP' '''/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf' --subdivLevel '10' --spharmDegree '15' --FinalFlip '0' --paraOut''
Status: Finish: Execution time 301ms
Status: Start ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf --regTemplateFileOn --regTemplate /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/ --flipTemplateOn --flipTemplate /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/ --subdivLevel 10 --spharmDegree 15 --FinalFlip 0 --paraOut
run: 'ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP' '''/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf' --regTemplateFileOn --regTemplate '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/' --flipTemplateOn --flipTemplate '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/' --subdivLevel '10' --spharmDegree '15' --FinalFlip '0' --paraOut''
Status: Finish: Execution time 301ms
Executing BatchMake: Done!
Execute Meshmath...
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
meshmath template
mrml /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/MRML/ShapeAnalysisModuleMRMLscene_allVTK_Phi.mrml
For the above my problem (error about cannot find the bms file), I solved it.
First, I found that the bms file were generated at the same folder in where the Slicer3 were run in the command line, not in GUI double clicking.
For example, when I run the Slicer3 at /usr/local/bin, the bms were generated at /usr/local/bin.
So, I realized that I have to run Slicer3 in the BatchMake_Applications folder.
However, other error were occurred when I run Slicer3.
I attached the error log. the error is about the XML parsing.
I think it is not the run time error of ShapeAnaysisModule. It's just about the running of Slicer3 in commandline.
The more serious problem for me is the following error messages.
From the below log, I guess that there's no problem to process 1) input data, 2) post processing, 3) genparamesh,
4) paratospharmmesh...
In actual,
"Execute Meshmath... Error: Could not run MeshMath" would be a problem I think.
Please give me any advice or tips. Thanks.
------ Shape Analysis Module start -----
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...
Number of Datas: 1
Executing BatchMake...
Doing Post Processing
Status: Start SegPostProcessCLP /usr/local/bin/TutorialData/origData/groupA_01_hippo.gipl.gz /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz --space 0.5,0.5,0.5
run: 'SegPostProcessCLP' '''/usr/local/bin/TutorialData/origData/groupA_01_hippo.gipl.gz' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz' --space '0.5,0.5,0.5'''
Status: Finish: Execution time 300ms
Doing GenParaMesh
Status: Start GenParaMeshCLP --EulerFile --outEulerName /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/EulerFiles/groupA_01_hippo_euler.txt --iter 10 --label 1 /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk
run: 'GenParaMeshCLP' ''--EulerFile --outEulerName '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/EulerFiles/groupA_01_hippo_euler.txt' --iter '10' --label '1' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/PostProcess/groupA_01_hippo_pp.gipl.gz' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk'''
Status: Finish: Execution time 300ms
Doing ParaToSPHARMMesh
Creating Template
Status: Start ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf --subdivLevel 10 --spharmDegree 15 --FinalFlip 0 --paraOut
run: 'ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP' '''/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf' --subdivLevel '10' --spharmDegree '15' --FinalFlip '0' --paraOut''
Status: Finish: Execution time 301ms
Status: Start ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf --regTemplateFileOn --regTemplate /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/ --flipTemplateOn --flipTemplate /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/ --subdivLevel 10 --spharmDegree 15 --FinalFlip 0 --paraOut
run: 'ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP' '''/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_para.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf.vtk' '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Mesh/SPHARM/groupA_01_hippo_pp_surf' --regTemplateFileOn --regTemplate '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/' --flipTemplateOn --flipTemplate '/usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/Template/' --subdivLevel '10' --spharmDegree '15' --FinalFlip '0' --paraOut''
Status: Finish: Execution time 301ms
Executing BatchMake: Done!
Execute Meshmath...
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
Error: Could not run MeshMath:
No such file or directory
meshmath template
mrml /usr/local/bin/spharm/ShapeAnalysisTest/ShapeAnalysis_Results/MRML/ShapeAnalysisModuleMRMLscene_allVTK_Phi.mrml
Jul 29, 2011 02:07 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: [Error in ShapeAnalysisModule within Slicer3]
Hi Jeongsik,
I see. From the log error it seems MRML creation (MeshMath error) fails because the batchmake doesnt even run.
Can you do BatchMake -e
Let us know.
I see. From the log error it seems MRML creation (MeshMath error) fails because the batchmake doesnt even run.
Can you do BatchMake -e
Let us know.