open-discussion > lateral ventricle
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Jul 29, 2011  08:07 PM | Gozde Kizilates
lateral ventricle


I want to do shape
analysis for lateral ventricle.
I will apply following steps
for all lateral ventricle.


 ./convertITKformats 1.hdr 1.gipl

ii)   ./SegPostProcess 1.gipl  -o 01.gipl

iii)  ./GenParaMesh  01.gipl -iter 1000 -label 1

iv)  ./ParaToSPHARMMesh 01_surf.meta 01_para.meta -subdiLevel 20
-spharmDegree 15 \ -flipTemplate template.coef -regTemplate template.meta

pipeline correct for lateral ventricle ?
And I couldn’t find template for
last step. How can I find it?




Aug 2, 2011  11:08 AM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: lateral ventricle
Hi Gozde,

Yes, this is the right pipeline... but you should use CLP versions (SegPostProcessCLP, ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP, GenParaMeshCLP). The reason I am advising this is because, we are no longer debuging and mantaining the non-CLP versions, so we do not guarrantee SegPostProcess, ParaToSPHARMMesh and GenParaMesh are going to be perfectly correct.

About the template, I already replied your previous post. In case you do not have any preference, the template will be the first data in your csv. Since you are running individual commands, you just do all the pipeline for one case, and then use it as template for the rest.
