open-discussion > Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
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Aug 2, 2011 11:08 AM | Beatriz Paniagua
Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
A friendly reminder for our users:
Non-CLP versions of the SPHARM-PDM commands that can be used as individual steps for shape analysis are no longer debugged and/or mantained. SegPostProcess, ParaToSPHARMMesh and GenParaMesh are deprecated versions of SegPostProcessCLP, ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP and GenParaMeshCLP. For your own benefit, please use the CLP versions.
Best regards,
Non-CLP versions of the SPHARM-PDM commands that can be used as individual steps for shape analysis are no longer debugged and/or mantained. SegPostProcess, ParaToSPHARMMesh and GenParaMesh are deprecated versions of SegPostProcessCLP, ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP and GenParaMeshCLP. For your own benefit, please use the CLP versions.
Best regards,
Aug 4, 2011 04:08 PM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
Hi Beatriz,
After your warning, ı tried to use the CLP versions of shharm-pdm. But ı have some problems.
1) ./SegPostProcessCLP 1.gipl 01.gipl
is it ok?
2) I can run the GenParaMeshCLP function but ı cant open the outputs of GenParaMeshCLP in KWMeshvisu.
Here is my command : ./GenParaMeshCLP 01.gipl 01_para.meta 01_surf.meta --iter 1000 --label 1
Here is the error code which ı got from KWMeshvisu :
" NDims require and not defined.
MetaObject: Read: MET_Read Failed
MetaMesh M_Read: Error parsing file
Aborting: No Points in GRID "
3) I cant run the ParatoSPHARMMeshCLP, my command like ;
./ParatoSPHARMMeshCLP 01_surf.meta 01_para.meta --subdivLevel 10 --spharmDegree 12 -flipTemplate template.coef --regTemplate template.meta ,
Any help will be greatful.
After your warning, ı tried to use the CLP versions of shharm-pdm. But ı have some problems.
1) ./SegPostProcessCLP 1.gipl 01.gipl
is it ok?
2) I can run the GenParaMeshCLP function but ı cant open the outputs of GenParaMeshCLP in KWMeshvisu.
Here is my command : ./GenParaMeshCLP 01.gipl 01_para.meta 01_surf.meta --iter 1000 --label 1
Here is the error code which ı got from KWMeshvisu :
" NDims require and not defined.
MetaObject: Read: MET_Read Failed
MetaMesh M_Read: Error parsing file
Aborting: No Points in GRID "
3) I cant run the ParatoSPHARMMeshCLP, my command like ;
./ParatoSPHARMMeshCLP 01_surf.meta 01_para.meta --subdivLevel 10 --spharmDegree 12 -flipTemplate template.coef --regTemplate template.meta ,
Any help will be greatful.
Aug 9, 2011 11:08 AM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
Hi Onur,
The best thing to evaluate the order of your arguments is to use --help. This help will display the right order for the arguments. Also, something to keep in mind is that all the CLP commands use VTK and not META as Mesh Input (you will have to convert them)
I believe the order in SegPosProcess does not change you have to write just (required) Input image to be filtered (Tissue segmentation file)
and then (required) Output filtered
You are getting an error message when running GenParaMeshCLP because the order of the arguments is not correct, if you type GenParaMeshCLP --help you will see the right order is: label, iterations, input, output. The same applies to ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP, that you will have to type --help to verify ordering of the arguments.
I hope that helps.
The best thing to evaluate the order of your arguments is to use --help. This help will display the right order for the arguments. Also, something to keep in mind is that all the CLP commands use VTK and not META as Mesh Input (you will have to convert them)
1) ./SegPostProcessCLP 1.gipl 01.gipl
I believe the order in SegPosProcess does not change you have to write just (required) Input image to be filtered (Tissue segmentation file)
and then (required) Output filtered
./GenParaMeshCLP 01.gipl 01_para.meta 01_surf.meta --iter 1000
--label 1
You are getting an error message when running GenParaMeshCLP because the order of the arguments is not correct, if you type GenParaMeshCLP --help you will see the right order is: label, iterations, input, output. The same applies to ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP, that you will have to type --help to verify ordering of the arguments.
I hope that helps.
Aug 9, 2011 04:08 PM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
Hi Beatriz, Thanks for response,
I used help of all function but ı didnt think that the order is important. I changed my command. And ı didnt got any error.
1) SegPostProcessCLP is still same.
./SegPostProcessCLP 1.gipl 01.gipl
./GenParaMeshCLP --label 1 --iter 100 01.gipl 01_para.vtk 01_surf.vtk
./ParaToSHPARMMeshCLP --regTemplate template_surfSPHARM.vtk --regTemplateFileOn --filpTemplate template_surfSPHARM.coef --flipTemplateOn --spharmDegree 12 --subdivLevel 10 01_para.vtk 01_surf.vtk /home/onur/Desktop/clp
Are these usage correct ? do I make a mistake ?
and after ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP, my outputs files name begin with spharm. spharm.coef , spharm_procalign.vtk ...
How can ı chance the file name ? I cant understand from --help.
I used help of all function but ı didnt think that the order is important. I changed my command. And ı didnt got any error.
1) SegPostProcessCLP is still same.
./SegPostProcessCLP 1.gipl 01.gipl
./GenParaMeshCLP --label 1 --iter 100 01.gipl 01_para.vtk 01_surf.vtk
./ParaToSHPARMMeshCLP --regTemplate template_surfSPHARM.vtk --regTemplateFileOn --filpTemplate template_surfSPHARM.coef --flipTemplateOn --spharmDegree 12 --subdivLevel 10 01_para.vtk 01_surf.vtk /home/onur/Desktop/clp
Are these usage correct ? do I make a mistake ?
and after ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP, my outputs files name begin with spharm. spharm.coef , spharm_procalign.vtk ...
How can ı chance the file name ? I cant understand from --help.
Aug 9, 2011 04:08 PM | Onur Ugurlu
RE: Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
Hi again Beatriz , >>>How can ı
chance the file name ? I cant understand from --help.
I fix
the problem. if
there isnt a mistake in usage, ı began to use clp funciton on my
Aug 25, 2011 05:08 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: Non-CLP versions of SPHARM-PDM commands
What do you mean by changing the file name? Do you mean renaming
your file? I am confused since you mention the clp help.