open-discussion > File '1.txt' when 'background' mode is used
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Jul 4, 2015  01:07 AM | Zaixu Cui
File '1.txt' when 'background' mode is used
Dear Pierre,

I have noticed that PSOM will create a file named '1.txt' in the current path of matlab when 'background' mode is used (the code is in the psom_run_script.m). 
However, if we don't write permission in the current path, then the error occurred.
In fact, this is very common when PANDA used.

I recommend that this file can be stored in the personal fold (/home/username) of users in Linux.
Because we can ensure that the user have the write permission for the fold /home/username.

Best wishes


Jul 6, 2015  08:07 AM | Zaixu Cui
RE: File '1.txt' when 'background' mode is used
Dear Pierre,

I think I have found the solution of this problem.

I have modified 'fopen('1.txt', 'w')' in the script 'psom_run_script.m' to 'fopen(['~' filesep '1.txt'], 'w')'.
As we know, in the linux '~' is a symbol of the personal directory, so this command will create file 1.txt in the personal directory of the user and there is no permission problem.

Best wishes

Jul 10, 2015  03:07 AM | Pierre Bellec
RE: File '1.txt' when 'background' mode is used
Dear Zaixu,

I was unable to find the line of code you are referring to. In the current version of the code there is no file '1.txt'. This does not ring a bell, and I would be surprised if any component of PSOM wrote files without specifying the full path. I suspect this may be a modification to the original code. If you do find the problematic code in the head revision of PSOM, please let me know the line number:


Jul 14, 2015  06:07 AM | Zaixu Cui
RE: File '1.txt' when 'background' mode is used
Dear Pierre,

I'm sorry.
Maybe it's my modification of the original code.

The new version work well.
Thanks very much.

Best wishes 
