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May 29, 2013  11:05 PM | Amir Homayoun Javadi - University College London (UCL)
Installation Probelm

I have a problem with installation. Here it goes what I did
  • I downloaded latest version of WFU-Toolbox ('WFU_PickAtlas_3.0.4') from the website (on 30-May-2013)
  • I unzipped the file in SPM toolbox folder (C:\toolbox\64\spm8\toolbox). Now I have three folders for WFU-toolbox in that folder.
  • I ran 'addpath('c:\toolbox\64\spm8\');' to add SPM path.
  • I ran SPM using 'SPM fMRI' command.
  • There is nothing in the 'Utilities' combo box. 
For another try, I added 'WFU_PickAtlas' folder to the path 'addpath('c:\toolbox\64\spm8\toolbox\WFU_PickAtlas\');' No luck yet.

I tried the same thing with SPM12. No luck either. I appreciate any help. I use MATLAB 2011b, under Windows 7 Professional. Very many thanks.

May 30, 2013  12:05 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: Installation Probelm
Hello Amir,
  You should have three folders:
  • C:\toolbox\64\spm8\toolbox\wfu_pickatlas
  • C:\toolbox\64\spm8\toolbox\wfu_tbx_common
  • C:\toolbox\64\spm8\toolbox\wfu_results_viewer
The case is important.  The only one that should be added with addpath is the first.
We have not begun testing the pickatlas with SPM12.  Any reports on success/failure on that front would be appreciated.
May 31, 2013  02:05 AM | Amir Homayoun Javadi - University College London (UCL)
RE: Installation Probelm
Hi Ben

Great. Thanks. It worked out. 

Regarding SPM12. It doesn't work. I'll spend some time later to see whether I can get it working. If so, I'll let you know. 

Greetings from London