help > Problem with results in wfu_pick atlas
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Jun 23, 2015  03:06 PM | Marc-André Gareau - Center for advance research in sleep medicine
Problem with results in wfu_pick atlas

Everytime I try to open a file in the results interface I got an error message and thoses line appear in matlab:

23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | wfu_results_viewer.m | MException thrown. Stack follows:
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | spm_vol_hdr | Line 0080: File "/Volumes/Windows/Analyse_MPJS_et_Apnee/correlations_CTL_N_39/correlVBMLogIMPJS0" does not exist.
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | spm_vol | Line 0061
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | loadSelect | Line 0052
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | File_Open_Callback | Line 0467
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | gui_mainfcn | Line 0095
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | wfu_results_viewer | Line 0070
23-Jun-2015 11:16:35 | ERROR | @(hObject,eventdata)wfu_results_viewer('File_Open_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) | Line 0000

Can you help me with this?

Tanks a lot, best regards

Marc-André Gareau
Jun 23, 2015  03:06 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: Problem with results in wfu_pick atlas
Hello Marc-André Gareau,
  /Volumes/Windows/Analyse_MPJS_et_Apnee/correlations_CTL_N_39/correlVBMLogIMPJS0 is not a standard nifti image type (.nii or .img/.hdr pair).  What type of file are you trying to load?

Jun 23, 2015  04:06 PM | Marc-André Gareau - Center for advance research in sleep medicine
RE: Problem with results in wfu_pick atlas
I'm trying to load a .nii image. Is it that the name of my files are too long?