Posted By: Erik Beall - Apr 26, 2010
Tool/Resource: PESTICA & SLOMOCO: physio and motion correction tools
AFNI users rejoice. With this parallel version of PESTICA, you can now use PESTICA with standard AFNI tools (example shell scripts included). Additionally, you can input NIFTI-formatted data (but only in NIFTI_PAIR hdr+img format, so if you have AFNI BRIK or NIFTI nii files, you'll need to 3dcopy <dataset>.nii <dataset>.hdr before use).
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  • Aug 11, 2011  04:08 PM | Matthew Hoptman
    question for
    Hi all,
    I am running pestica on some data I have.  I ran the first script successfully.  but on the second script, I get:

     Unzipping ____tmp_mask_global+orig.BRIK.gz...
    ??? Undefined function or method 'corr' for input arguments of type 'double'.

    Error in ==> apply_PESTICA2 at 105

    I gather that the images are seen as double.  What kind of images does the script require?