Posted By: David Kennedy - Jun 2, 2010
Tool/Resource: Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
Workshop and Travel Award Announcement “Informatics for Data and Resource Discovery in Addiction Research”

Registration is now open for the Instructional Workshop “Informatics for Data and Resource Discovery in Addiction Research” to be held July 8-9, 2010 at the Neuroscience Center Building, Conference Rooms C & D, located at 6001 Executive Boulevard in Rockville, MD. Please visit for further information and to register.

TRAVEL AWARDS – June 4 deadline
An additional, limited number of travel awards for this workshop, have become available. Those interested in inquiring about travel awards should submit their name, title and affiliation, relevant NIDA grant number(s), and biosketch, as well as a brief essay (not to exceed 1000 words) addressing the following: (1) nature of the data and resources developed, provided or used by the NIDA grant(s) supporting their work or training; (2) reasons for wanting to attend the workshop and (3) plans for implementing knowledge and skills learned at the workshop. Travel award inquiries should be sent no later than June 4, 2010 to in an email message with the subject heading “Informatics Workshop Travel Inquiry.” New and early stage investigators currently funded through the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) as well as those involved in NIDA supported collaborative projects generating data and other resources are especially encouraged to apply. Travel awards will not exceed $1,000 per person.
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