open-discussion > Small marker drawing bug?
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Oct 29, 2014  10:10 AM | Miroslav Radojevic
Small marker drawing bug?
There is a small issue in drawing (spherical) markers in 2D viewer. If you set Adjust Preference>Default Marker Size to some value other than the default and go back to viewer and create markers by shift+click if does not apply the default setting, but instead writes marker using the default radius 5. Moreover if you try to change the properties of the marker that was just drawn - the error window pops up. You can cancel the error window and still change the radius, but it's a bit inconvenient to do this each time. If you create markers by right click+'m'+marker menu OK = the radius is properly read.
Oct 29, 2014  02:10 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: Small marker drawing bug?
yes that seems to be a bug, will fix soon. -Hanchuan
Originally posted by Miroslav Radojevic:
There is a small issue in drawing (spherical) markers in 2D viewer. If you set Adjust Preference>Default Marker Size to some value other than the default and go back to viewer and create markers by shift+click if does not apply the default setting, but instead writes marker using the default radius 5. Moreover if you try to change the properties of the marker that was just drawn - the error window pops up. You can cancel the error window and still change the radius, but it's a bit inconvenient to do this each time. If you create markers by right click+'m'+marker menu OK = the radius is properly read.
Oct 29, 2014  03:10 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: Small marker drawing bug?
I have just fixed this in the source code repo version "svn -r 3466", and the Vaa3D version v2.925.

If you check out the code and build you will have the new version.

If you want to binary build. let us know, otherwise you may wait until next release.


Originally posted by Hanchuan Peng:
yes that seems to be a bug, will fix soon. -Hanchuan
Originally posted by Miroslav Radojevic:
There is a small issue in drawing (spherical) markers in 2D viewer. If you set Adjust Preference>Default Marker Size to some value other than the default and go back to viewer and create markers by shift+click if does not apply the default setting, but instead writes marker using the default radius 5. Moreover if you try to change the properties of the marker that was just drawn - the error window pops up. You can cancel the error window and still change the radius, but it's a bit inconvenient to do this each time. If you create markers by right click+'m'+marker menu OK = the radius is properly read.