help > TeraFly for neuron tracing; tricky to navigate
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Apr 28, 2023  05:04 PM | bea collibee
TeraFly for neuron tracing; tricky to navigate

I am brand new to Vaa3d and TeraFly. I am hoping to use Vaa3d to trace long-projection neurons in a whole-brain dataset (~1TB; 27297*17396*1159 pixels). I would like to be able to visualize the dataset in 3D and in 2D slices (like in Imaris), and annotate 2D slices. However, I am finding it difficult to navigate the dataset in TeraFly. 

I understand that TeraFly uses a tiled format for loading the data. However, this makes it tricky, as when I zoom in on a region of interest, a small tile of higher-resolution loads (which more or less encompasses the region of interest), and I cannot see the neighbouring regions in the x-y plane. 

I realize that it is possible to define larger tile sizes when doing the conversion in TeraConverter. Would it be possible to define a tile size of 27297*17396, so that I can move through the x-y planes at higher resolutions, without having to restrict the view to tiles? How do people manage this task in general?

Any advice is appreciated!


Apr 28, 2023  06:04 PM | bea collibee
RE: TeraFly for neuron tracing; tricky to navigate
Ok I tried that and I get this error -