help > convert tiff to v3draw via plugin in newest Vaa3d version
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Jul 27, 2023  08:07 AM | bea collibee
convert tiff to v3draw via plugin in newest Vaa3d version

Hello, I would like to try out mBrainAligner to register my data to the atlas. However, I am stuck at the step of converting my .tif data to .v3draw format. 

I have tried using the data_IO plugin, but this gives me an error: 

Convert to .v3draw with Bioformats and importinput file name = [C:/Users/ntgroup/Bea/data/COLM_WL003_10x_20230324_162312/25um_rescaled_in_chunks.tif]

intermediate folder name = [C:/Users/ntgroup/Vaa3D-x.1.1.2_Windows_64bit]

Cannot locate the Bioformats 'bfconvert' program. Please specify its location.
""C:/Users/ntgroup/Vaa3D-x.1.1.2_Windows_64bit/plugins/data_IO/convert_and_load_with_Bioformats/bioformats_loader.dll" "C:/Users/ntgroup/Bea/data/COLM_WL003_10x_20230324_162312/25um_rescaled_in_chunks.tif" "C:/Users/ntgroup/Vaa3D-x.1.1.2_Windows_64bit/25um_rescaled_in_chunks.v3draw""
The system cannot execute the specified program.
It seems there is some difficulty to generate the intermediate file. You may need to choose a different folder to try again.

done with runPluginInterface2_1().
already run! done status=1

I have also tried the conversion using the BioFormats plugin in ImageJ, and this gives me an output that is readable by Vaa3D-x but is weirdly corrupted and unusable. I am using Windows 10 Pro. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 




Nov 30, 2023  07:11 AM | Lingli Zhang
RE: convert tiff to v3draw via plugin in newest Vaa3d version

Hi Bea,

you can try convert_file_format plugin to covert v3draw to tiff or tiff to v3draw, or the bioformats plugin has been solved in the latest Vaa3D-x version, you can download it (Release Vaa3D-x Release 1.1.4 · Vaa3D/release ( if there is any other problems, we will be glad to slove it, thanks!

Best Wishes,
