help > FlipY when loading stacked 2D .tif image
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Aug 7, 2024  01:08 AM | Jingyi Yao
FlipY when loading stacked 2D .tif image


I'm trying to convert .tif image to .v3draw by command line vaa3d -x libconvert_file_format -f convert_format,

but the output image is fliped on Y-axis and i didn't find any parameter to prevent from this. Could you help me with it ? And how could I solve this problem ?


Thank you in advance!


Aug 7, 2024  06:08 AM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: FlipY when loading stacked 2D .tif image

Originally posted by Jingyi Yao:


I'm trying to convert .tif image to .v3draw by command line vaa3d -x libconvert_file_format -f convert_format,

but the output image is fliped on Y-axis and i didn't find any parameter to prevent from this. Could you help me with it ? And how could I solve this problem ?


Thank you in advance!


Yes the Y-flipping option can be set in the Preferences in the main menu!