help > Terafly look up table for visualization
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Oct 15, 2024  01:10 AM | Snehashis Roy - Henry Jackson Foundation
Terafly look up table for visualization


I want to visualize Terabyte scale data (multiple 2D z-slices in a folder) in Terafly. I first converted them to Vaa3D multiresolution format using Teraconverter. Then I opened the RESxxx folder using Terafly. However, the 3d view is blank. I think what is happening is the image has large dynamic range but with very very high outliers (~65000) and 99th percentile is ~300. Is there a way to change the LUT of the view between a certain min and max?

Thank you.

Oct 15, 2024  05:10 PM | Snehashis Roy - Henry Jackson Foundation
RE: Terafly look up table for visualization

I am working with 16bit tif files. Does Terafly work with 16bit tifs? It is working with 8bit tifs, but not 16bit tifs. 16bit tifs after converting to Vaa3D format shows all zero.