open-discussion > NEURO-BUREAU: ADHD-200 Processed Data Release
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Apr 17, 2011 10:04 PM | Cameron Craddock
NEURO-BUREAU: ADHD-200 Processed Data Release
In order to bring the ADHD-200 Global Competition to a wider
audience, The Neuro Bureau is making preprocessed versions of the
competition data freely available to the general public
( These openly downloadable
datasets include both preprocessed versions of structural and
functional dataset previously made available by the ADHD-200
consortium, as well as initial standard subject-level analyses
(e.g., fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations,
connectivity maps for 10 commonly observed resting state networks
(Smith et al. PNAS 2009)). We hope this release will open
collaborative possibilities and contributions from researchers not
traditionally addressing brain data -- for those whose specialties
lay outside of MRI and fMRI data processing, the competition is now
one step easier.
The preprocessing pipelines will include:
1) The Athena: resting state fMRI and voxel-based morphometry preprocessing (grey matter) using AFNI and FSL [released]
2) The Burner: voxel-based morphometry processing (grey matter and white matter) using
DARTEL in SPM [coming soon]
3) The NIAK: resting state fMRI preprocessing using the NeuroImaging Analysis Kit on CBRAIN [coming soon]
4) The CIVET: cortical thickness measures extracted using the CIVET pipeline on CBRAIN [coming soon]
Additionally, for May 1, we anticipate the release of extracted timeseries data (in .csv format) and corresponding full- and partial-correlation matrices for a variety of brain parcellation schemes.
For more information and to download data please visit: A NITRC account is required to download data.
Cameron Craddock, Daniel Margulies, and The Neuro Bureau
The preprocessing pipelines will include:
1) The Athena: resting state fMRI and voxel-based morphometry preprocessing (grey matter) using AFNI and FSL [released]
2) The Burner: voxel-based morphometry processing (grey matter and white matter) using
DARTEL in SPM [coming soon]
3) The NIAK: resting state fMRI preprocessing using the NeuroImaging Analysis Kit on CBRAIN [coming soon]
4) The CIVET: cortical thickness measures extracted using the CIVET pipeline on CBRAIN [coming soon]
Additionally, for May 1, we anticipate the release of extracted timeseries data (in .csv format) and corresponding full- and partial-correlation matrices for a variety of brain parcellation schemes.
For more information and to download data please visit: A NITRC account is required to download data.
Cameron Craddock, Daniel Margulies, and The Neuro Bureau