help > Contrast definition from the command line
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Feb 28, 2014  01:02 PM | Owen ODaly
Contrast definition from the command line
I have a quick question about BPM that I was hoping that you may be able to help me with.

However, I'm trying to run an ANCOVA model in BPMe 3.1 from the command line. The following command works fine, but only when 1 contrast is defined (here [1 -1 0]).
wfu_bpm('ANCOVA','L:\BPM\no_anx\dartel\master_flist.txt',[1 -1 0],'T','L:\BPM\brainMask_0p5.img',[],[],[],[],[]);

Is there a  way to specify more than one contrast at the command line? or to add contrasts separately from the command line? I've looked at wfu_bpm_con_man but can't get it to work.
I've tried specifying the contrasts as vectors in a cell array at set up (i.e. {[1 -1 0], [-1 1 0]} or as a simply matrix  (i.e. BPM.contrasts = [0 1 -1 0; 0 -1 1 0])

Any advice would be very welcome
Thanks in Advance
Owen O'Daly