help > BnPM
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Mar 2, 2016  12:03 PM | Hengshuang LIU
Dear developers,
For the BnPM analysis,
I don't quite understand:

1. What is the submitted pbs file like? Is the one present in BPM manual Page15 an example, although that one looks more like ModelII instead of BnPM? Anyway, is it in ".m" format? 
What does the following mean? How to get the "modII_slice1.m" and "Slice1job58669"? Is that the so-called "qsub based cluster"?
matlab -nodesktop < /gpfs21/scratch/yangx6/Sim_Img/resultModelII1/Slice1/modII_slice1.m >matlab.output
touch /gpfs21/scratch/yangx6/Sim_Img/resultModelII1/Slice1job58669.done

what does the following mean?
#PBS -l mem=2000mb
#PBS -o xue-cluster.txt
#PBS -j oe

2. If I have 1 imaging covariate "GM" and 2 non-imaging covariates "RT" and "ACC", and intend to set ACC as an regressor, then shall I choose F or T test (My guess is F) and set the contrast as "0 0 0 1"?

3. After entering new contrast, how to choose "SPM" directory and "BnPM" directory which pops out automatically? I thought to create one empty folder for each of them, am I right?

Thanks for any input,