help > FAQ
Showing 1-7 of 7 posts
Nov 8, 2011 03:11 AM | Qian Wang
The following is the index of FAQ. Before you start, make sure you
have installed all prerequisites. Check our website for more details. You're welcome to contact us for any uncertainty.
1. After installing Tcl/Tk, an error still pops out suggesting lack of Tcl/Tk libraries when initilializing HAMMER Suite.
2. All components return with error information in less than 1-2 seconds. No outputs are generated.
3. The RAVENS map of ventricles is blank after the whole pipeline is complete.
4. Skull-stripping has finished. But cerebellum-removal aborts without corrent output.
5. Linux versions can work, but Windows versions alwayas fail from the very beginning.
6. When the speedup version of HAMMER registration on Windows is tried, severall DLLs (i.e., libmmd.dll) are missing.
1. After installing Tcl/Tk, an error still pops out suggesting lack of Tcl/Tk libraries when initilializing HAMMER Suite.
2. All components return with error information in less than 1-2 seconds. No outputs are generated.
3. The RAVENS map of ventricles is blank after the whole pipeline is complete.
4. Skull-stripping has finished. But cerebellum-removal aborts without corrent output.
5. Linux versions can work, but Windows versions alwayas fail from the very beginning.
6. When the speedup version of HAMMER registration on Windows is tried, severall DLLs (i.e., libmmd.dll) are missing.
Nov 8, 2011 03:11 AM | Qian Wang
Originally posted by Qian Wang:
Please copy "" and "" to the directory of HAMMER Suite. Different versions of Tcl/Tk are also applicable.
1. After installing Tcl/Tk, an error still pops
out suggesting lack of Tcl/Tk libraries when initilializing HAMMER
Please copy "" and "" to the directory of HAMMER Suite. Different versions of Tcl/Tk are also applicable.
Nov 8, 2011 03:11 AM | Qian Wang
Originally posted by Qian Wang:
This mistake commonly indicates that PATH needs to be specified. HAMMER Suite executes scripts/binaries in its subdirectory /tools (/win32 for windows), which must be manually added to the environament variable PATH.
2. All components return with error information
in less than 1-2 seconds. No outputs are generated.
This mistake commonly indicates that PATH needs to be specified. HAMMER Suite executes scripts/binaries in its subdirectory /tools (/win32 for windows), which must be manually added to the environament variable PATH.
Nov 8, 2011 03:11 AM | Qian Wang
Originally posted by Qian Wang:
It's normal in current releases. We haven't provided functions for labeling ventricles in the segmentation part. Usually ventricle labeling is more challenging and complicated than segmentation of WM, GM, and CSF. For convenience, ventricles are labeld as CSF in HAMMER Suite. Please contact us if you need a solution for ventricle segmentation.
3. The RAVENS map of ventricles is blank after
the whole pipeline is complete.
It's normal in current releases. We haven't provided functions for labeling ventricles in the segmentation part. Usually ventricle labeling is more challenging and complicated than segmentation of WM, GM, and CSF. For convenience, ventricles are labeld as CSF in HAMMER Suite. Please contact us if you need a solution for ventricle segmentation.
Nov 8, 2011 03:11 AM | Qian Wang
Originally posted by Qian Wang:
In general, all filters are based on the same design. So if one can work, the other ones should be fine. However, we get feedbacks that cerebellum-removal is more vulnable. The only reason we have located is point to the size of memory. This problem has only occured on PCs. But after changing to more powerful machines, no problems have been reported from users.
4. Skull-stripping has finished. But
cerebellum-removal aborts without corrent output.
In general, all filters are based on the same design. So if one can work, the other ones should be fine. However, we get feedbacks that cerebellum-removal is more vulnable. The only reason we have located is point to the size of memory. This problem has only occured on PCs. But after changing to more powerful machines, no problems have been reported from users.
Nov 10, 2011 04:11 AM | Qian Wang
Originally posted by Qian Wang:
In this case, please check the installation path on Windows. In particular, no blank is allowed in the path of HAMMER Suite, since it follows strict conventions as in Linux. So the software would fail if it was installed in "My Documents" on Windows. Please move it to some other place (i.e. C:\Hammer) instead.
5. Linux versions can work, but Windows versions
alwayas fail from the very beginning.
In this case, please check the installation path on Windows. In particular, no blank is allowed in the path of HAMMER Suite, since it follows strict conventions as in Linux. So the software would fail if it was installed in "My Documents" on Windows. Please move it to some other place (i.e. C:\Hammer) instead.
Nov 10, 2011 08:11 PM | Qian Wang
Originally posted by Qian Wang:
We utilize Intel® compilers for better speed performance of HAMMER. These DLLs are generally associated with features provided from the compiler. In this case, you could install the compiler in order to acquire all required DLLs. Visit to get access to a trial version. Even if the compiler expires, the DLLs will still be working.
6. When the speedup version of HAMMER
registration on Windows is tried, severall DLLs (i.e., libmmd.dll)
are missing.
We utilize Intel® compilers for better speed performance of HAMMER. These DLLs are generally associated with features provided from the compiler. In this case, you could install the compiler in order to acquire all required DLLs. Visit to get access to a trial version. Even if the compiler expires, the DLLs will still be working.