Posted By: Gary Hui Zhang - Feb 18, 2011
Tool/Resource: DTI-TK
I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of DTI-TK, release 2.0, for download. This new release introduces a number of substantial enhancement to the previous release, including

* Automated conversion from and preprocessing of FSL-processed DTI volumes (fsl_to_dtitk)

* Enhanced population-specific template bootstrapping (dti_template_bootstrap)

* Consolidated scalar and tensorial volume processing tools (SVtool and TVtool)

* Enhanced tensor viewer (TVglyphView)

* Tractography tools (SingleTensorFT and TractTool)

* Feature sampling in the medial-surface (skeleton) based geometric models

Associated documentation will be available soon.

Gary Hui Zhang
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  • Mar 9, 2011  04:03 AM | scott kolbe
    Thanks Gary
    Congrats on the new version.
    Great to see all your hard work is paying off and more researchers starting to use dtitk. An excellent piece of software.

  • Feb 18, 2011  04:02 AM | Nagesh Adluru
    Great news Gary! Congratulations and thanks so much for the new release! Sure will become even more fun to use :)