open-discussion > converting nifit to cifit post minimal preprocessing in fmriprep
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Jun 15, 2022  12:06 PM | Natasza Orlov - King's College London
converting nifit to cifit post minimal preprocessing in fmriprep
Dear Community,

I have data minimally preprocessed with the fmriprep pipeline, without the cifit output option. Is there a way to introduce to converstion after the preprocessing and if so can you please point me to code that I would be able to use.
thank you very much
Jun 15, 2022  07:06 PM | Tim Coalson
RE: converting nifit to cifit post minimal preprocessing in fmriprep
fmriprep was developed by someone else, you could ask them for help.

The HCP pipelines are our preprocessing pipelines, which now have options for operating on "legacy-style" datasets, for instance not having a T2w image.  We still consider fieldmaps to be very important, as "fieldmap-less" distortion correction of EPI has not been convincingly helpful in our testing.

As another option, you could look at ciftify:

Jun 19, 2022  02:06 PM | Natasza Orlov - King's College London
RE: converting nifit to cifit post minimal preprocessing in fmriprep
thank you :)