open-discussion > Using imcalc for lesion overlap mapping
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Jul 19, 2019  09:07 PM | keristephenson - University of Manchester
Using imcalc for lesion overlap mapping
I want to use the imcalc tool to produce a lesion overlap map but when I launch it using SPM 12 I get this error message

Error in spm_path_fix (line 83)

Error in imcalc (line 44)
spm_path_fix('imcalc.m'); % spm_path_fix is by R

I have downloaded imcalc and placed it in the SPM toolbox folder as requested.
Aug 22, 2019  01:08 PM | Gabriela Dziegiel - Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
RE: Using imcalc for lesion overlap mapping

I have exactly the same problem. Have you found any solution for that?


Aug 22, 2019  02:08 PM | keristephenson - University of Manchester
RE: Using imcalc for lesion overlap mapping
I didn't find a solution using imcalc. I used the ALI toolbox for SPM which provides a utility for lesion overlap mapping which is what I wanted it for. It is available from Mohamed Seghier (

best wishes 

Jun 12, 2024  01:06 PM | mitja nikolaus - CerCo, CNRS
RE: Using imcalc for lesion overlap mapping

I ran into the same error, the problem was that I didn't add all the subfolders of the imcalc toolbox to my matlab path.

I was running 

addpath ~/apps/spm12/toolbox/imcalc

Instead of:


Using the latter I was able to start imcalc.