open-discussion > error using longitudinal lga in LST toolbox SPM
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Oct 18, 2024  09:10 PM | indi
error using longitudinal lga in LST toolbox SPM


I am running the longitudinal pipeland using LGA and LST toolbox. 

I am getting this error: 


Compare time points                      finished after 1 iterations, 2s

Create HTML reportFailed  'LST: Longitudinal lesion segmentation'

Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

In file "/Volumes/Portia/toolboxes/spm12/toolbox/LST/ps_LST_long.m" (???), function "ps_LST_long" at line 1114.


The following modules did not run:

Failed: LST: Longitudinal lesion segmentation


It's not happening with all my subjects, so do not know what is wrong. 

I will appreciate your help. Thanks