open-discussion > template: mix of patients and controls
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Jun 4, 2009  05:06 PM | Graham Murray
template: mix of patients and controls
I am looking for a template made of the average of the brain scans (T1 or EPI) from a mixture of healthy and ill people.
Does anybody know if such a template is publicly available?
I'm looking for something like the MNI152-T1, but not just all healthy right handed young adults.
This is as my colleagues and I do a number of patient studies (in a variety of psychiatric disorders) and so a “normal” template is suboptimal. Of course, once the study finishes one can make a study specific template, but increasingly we , and I guess elsewhere too, and trying to conduct ongoing studies, where we scan patients as they come through, and we do interim analyses from time to time.
So each time any new analyses get done on a larger sample, we have to make a new study specific template, which is a pain!
Any thoughts much appreciated,
Thanks, Graham Murray
Jun 9, 2009  10:06 AM | David Kennedy
RE: template: mix of patients and controls
Well, the priors that FSL uses for FIRST is mixed in age and diagnosis (

There is also the OASIS dataset that is mixed in terms of young adults and older adults w/ and w/o AD (

The Internet Brain Segmentation Repository ( has a limited set (18) subjects that are mixed in diagnosis.

Although, in each of these cases, I'm not sure that there are pre-averaged image data sets available, tho it wouldn't be too hard to perform the averaging.

ADNI ( and the NIH Pediatric Data Repository ( are also data resources that come to mind.