open-discussion > Good localization software
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Jun 23, 2009 10:06 PM | Rodolphe Nenert
Good localization software
Recently, one of my lab collaborator has been criticized by a
reviewer because she used the talairach daemon and MSU to report
the coordinates of brain activations in her last fMRI article.
Then what would be the "best(s)" tool(s) to report these kind of coordinates?
Then what would be the "best(s)" tool(s) to report these kind of coordinates?
Jun 23, 2009 10:06 PM | Arno Klein
RE: Good localization software
Why not report the anatomical regions where the brain activations
occurred instead?
Jun 23, 2009 10:06 PM | Rodolphe Nenert
RE: Good localization software
Well, of course, but sometimes the localization is not very clear.
Moreover, sometimes the quantity of activations make this procee
quite long. For these two cases, a automated software can be
Sep 16, 2009 03:09 PM | Chris Wyatt
RE: Good localization software
Similar tools are wfu_pickatlas and ( and the Slicer Query atlas (