help > How to create our own boundary.txt for 3d nifti/analyze format ROIs, brain atlas and cluster mapping?
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Mar 16, 2021  03:03 AM | Steve Da
How to create our own boundary.txt for 3d nifti/analyze format ROIs, brain atlas and cluster mapping?
I am wondering how we can create our own boundary.txt for 3d nifti/analyze format ROIs, brain atlas and cluster mapping, then we can use it and draw the boundary on the brain surface?
Is the top two figures on Fig.13 in the software manual using HCP's multi-modal cortical parcellation from Glasser et al. 2016. I am wondering if it is possible to share with us the corresponding boundary.txt?

Thanks and best regards,

Jan 4, 2023  01:01 PM | Léa Chauveau
RE: How to create our own boundary.txt for 3d nifti/analyze format ROIs, brain atlas and cluster mapping?
Hi Xiao,
Did you manage to find out how to create your own boundary.txt file ? If you found a solution, I would be happy if you could share it with me as I am looking to create my own boundary.txt file from a nifti image.