hammer_faq > An example of using HAMMER in ITK
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Nov 11, 2011 03:11 PM | Guorong Wu
An example of using HAMMER in ITK
Here we demonstrate how to use HAMMER registration filter in ITK
for deformable registration of the two T1 MR brains. The source
code can be found in source code package
First of all, we need to initialize the HAMMER registration filter instance as follows:
typedef itk::HammerDeformableRegistrationImageFilter RegistrationFilterType;
RegistrationFilterType::Pointer hammer = RegistrationFilterType::New();
Then, the fixed and the moving images should be specified:
hammer->SetFixedImage( fImg0 );
hammer->SetMovingImage( mImg0 );
Next, we need to specify the parameters used in HAMMER:
hammer->SetIterations( iterations[0], iterations[1], iterations[2] );
Finally, by calling hammer->Update(), it will return a dense deformation field that points from the fixed image to the moving image. The following lines of code are used to warp the subject image with itk::WarpImageFilter:
typedef itk::WarpImageFilter WarperType;
typedef itk::NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction InterpolatorType;
WarperType::Pointer warper = WarperType::New();
InterpolatorType::Pointer interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
warper->SetInput( mImg0 );
warper->SetInterpolator( interpolator );
warper->SetOutputDirection( fImg0->GetDirection() );
warper->SetOutputSpacing( fImg0->GetSpacing() );
warper->SetOutputOrigin( fImg0->GetOrigin() );
WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
writer->SetFileName( resampledFilename.c_str() );
writer->SetInput( warper->GetOutput() );
First of all, we need to initialize the HAMMER registration filter instance as follows:
typedef itk::HammerDeformableRegistrationImageFilter RegistrationFilterType;
RegistrationFilterType::Pointer hammer = RegistrationFilterType::New();
Then, the fixed and the moving images should be specified:
hammer->SetFixedImage( fImg0 );
hammer->SetMovingImage( mImg0 );
Next, we need to specify the parameters used in HAMMER:
hammer->SetIterations( iterations[0], iterations[1], iterations[2] );
Finally, by calling hammer->Update(), it will return a dense deformation field that points from the fixed image to the moving image. The following lines of code are used to warp the subject image with itk::WarpImageFilter:
typedef itk::WarpImageFilter WarperType;
typedef itk::NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction InterpolatorType;
WarperType::Pointer warper = WarperType::New();
InterpolatorType::Pointer interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
warper->SetInput( mImg0 );
warper->SetInterpolator( interpolator );
warper->SetOutputDirection( fImg0->GetDirection() );
warper->SetOutputSpacing( fImg0->GetSpacing() );
warper->SetOutputOrigin( fImg0->GetOrigin() );
WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
writer->SetFileName( resampledFilename.c_str() );
writer->SetInput( warper->GetOutput() );
Nov 16, 2011 03:11 PM | Guorong Wu
RE: An example of using HAMMER in ITK
3D slicer encourages to reuse the existing modules as much as
possible. Therefore our HAMMER registration module performs the
deformable registration which only estimate the local deformations.
Usually linear registration is needed to remove the global
difference before running the deformable registration. Please see
the complete data processing pipeline at (http://www.nitrc.org/forum/forum.php?thr...).