Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Feb 6, 2012
Tool/Resource: INCF

Announcing the Convergence in Computational Neuroscience 2012 workshop which will be held in Edinburgh from 12-16th March. The NeuroML Development Workshop and the BrainScaleS (previously FACETS) CodeJam have been two important workshops for developers of software tools for computational neuroscience for the past number of years, and this year they are being held over the same week.

The first 2 days will focus on the specifications & tool support for NeuroML, which has traditionally been focused on multicompartmental, conductance based neuronal models, but with version 2.0 is being extended to support more abstract point neuron models and interaction with systems biology languages like SBML.

More details for these days are here:

The remaining 3 days will have a similar format to previous CodeJams: presentations in the mornings with discussions & code sprints in the afternoon. The goal will be to catalyze open-source, collaborative software development in computational and systems neuroscience and neuroinformatics, by bringing together researchers, students and engineers to share ideas, present their work, and write code together. Wednesday afternoon includes a mini workshop with the theme "Convergence, Interoperability and Reuse in Neuroscience Modelling Software", and seeks to develop a perspective on where the field is at and where we are going to.

More details are here:

This should be a very informative and useful week for anyone interested in learning about/sharing/integrating software tools for computational neuroscience.

There will be a limited number of bursaries available for travel to the meeting for UK based attendees through the UK Node of the INCF ( Contact for more details.

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