open-discussion > How to select T1 in accordance with the order of the FA path?
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Dec 31, 2019  09:12 PM | jasonr - Yale School of Medicine
How to select T1 in accordance with the order of the FA path?

Thank you for developing this great resource! I saw the previous post on the forum but did not understand the response. I am trying to run the full pipeline on one subject using PANDA. The directory structure is as follows: /home/user/subj/DTI1/ . In this folder, I have (1) the raw dwi nifty file, (2)bvecs, and (3) bvals.

When I go to "tracking options" --> "Network node definition" --> T1 image template, I select the T1 image for this subject in nifty format. I receive the pop-up error: "please select T1 file according to the order of FA path" and cannot proceed. What does this message mean? What is the correct directory structure for placing the T1 image? I see in the guide it says: "The order of T1 images should be in accordance with the FA images." I do not understand what this means. 

Thank you!