open-discussion > failed job: DeterministicTracking
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Jan 24, 2019  01:01 PM | Nobody
failed job: DeterministicTracking
Dear experts,
i'm having some troubles running PANDA1.3.1 on Linux (Matlab R2014a).
i used raw dicom files as the data, all jobs before DeterministicTracking is ok, While the last job DeterministicTracking failed.

My data is more than 30 subjects, and I have tried just one or ten subject(s), still failed.
My ROI mask file is extracted from AAL templet, and I have tried the default atlas in PANDA, still failed.
and i also use matlabR2012b, it didn't change any thing.

I have attached the log of failed job of one subject test. Could you please help me have a look at it?

best regards
Thanks in advance
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