devel > Valid GIFTI Data Array Dimensions
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Apr 20, 2011  02:04 PM | John Harwell
Valid GIFTI Data Array Dimensions
In the GIFTI Document ( it states "The last dimension shall never be one (The only exception is if the array contains one data value in which case Dim0 will be one)".  Thus, a DataArray with "Dimensionality=2, Dim0=73730, Dim1=1" is invalid and should be "Dimensionality=1, Dim0=73730".

Does this also apply to the first dimension?  Is a DataArray with "Dimensionality=2, Dim0=1, Dim1=73730" valid?  Or should it be a one-dimensional array with "Dimensionality=1  Dim0=73730"?

I would like to change the GIFTI Document to state that "Neither the first, nor the last dimension shall be one (The only exception is if the array contains one data value in which case Dim0 will be one)".
Apr 20, 2011  03:04 PM | Simon Warfield
RE: Valid GIFTI Data Array Dimensions
What is the objective of making this change ?
Apr 20, 2011  03:04 PM | John Harwell
RE: Valid GIFTI Data Array Dimensions
We received a functional file with a DataArray that had dimensionality=2 with Dim0=1 and Dim1=73xxx.  The GIFTI Document does state (13.2) that a functional DataArray is Dimensionality=1 and Dim0=#nodes so it is technically not a valid functional file.  Is there any valid case for a two-dimensional DataArray with the first dimension equal to one?