Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Mar 21, 2012 Tool/Resource: Journals
Stable modality-specific activity flows as reflected by the neuroenergetic approach to the FMRI weighted maps. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e33462 Authors: Strelnikov K, Barone P Abstract This article uses the ideas of neuroenergetic and neural field theories to detect stimulation-driven energy flows in the brain during face and auditory word processing. In this analysis, energy flows are thought to create the stable gradients of the fMRI weighted summary images. The sources, from which activity spreads in the brain during face processing, were detected in the occipital cortex. The following direction of energy flows in the frontal cortex was described: the right inferior frontal = >the left inferior frontal = >the triangular part of the left inferior frontal cortex = >the left operculum. In the left operculum, a localized circuit was described. For auditory word processing, the sources of activity flows were detected bilaterally in the middle superior temporal regions, they were also detected in the left posterior superior temporal cortex. Thus, neuroenergetic assumptions may give a novel perspective for the analysis of neuroimaging data. PMID: 22432026 [PubMed - in process]
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