open-discussion > please help : aboout using GraphVar_2.03
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May 26, 2020 06:05 AM | Yongqin Xiong
please help : aboout using GraphVar_2.03
After setting path, I try to run the GraphVar. But here is what I got
>> GraphVar
Error using cd
Cannot CD to /Users/JK/Desktop/GraphVar_2.02b/workspaces/SampleWorkspace (Name is nonexistent or not a
Error in GraphVar_OpeningFcn (line 100)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 220)
feval(gui_State.gui_OpeningFcn, gui_hFigure, [], guidata(gui_hFigure), varargin{:});
Error in GraphVar (line 40)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
This is the first time I use GraphVar, please help me with the above problem.
Thank you very much,
best regards.
After setting path, I try to run the GraphVar. But here is what I got
>> GraphVar
Error using cd
Cannot CD to /Users/JK/Desktop/GraphVar_2.02b/workspaces/SampleWorkspace (Name is nonexistent or not a
Error in GraphVar_OpeningFcn (line 100)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 220)
feval(gui_State.gui_OpeningFcn, gui_hFigure, [], guidata(gui_hFigure), varargin{:});
Error in GraphVar (line 40)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
This is the first time I use GraphVar, please help me with the above problem.
Thank you very much,
best regards.