dke-questions > Neither Matlab nor dcm2niix can save my data...what should I do?
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May 8, 2018  02:05 PM | Xinman Liu
Neither Matlab nor dcm2niix can save my data...what should I do?
Hello, everyone. As I'm still struggling with my patient data as I previously posted before. So I think I need to sum up a little bit about what I have done. There is something wrong with my data that I cannot run DKE successfully.
One problem is that my sequence name did not contain"ep", so I use Matlab to change the sequence name. But it still doesn't work out. 
So I turn to dcm2niix and generate my own bvec files, which is attached. And when I look at the file, I realized that there are altogether 5 ep_b0 files in between. So I make some adjustment in Matlab in order to realize the correspondence with it and then delete the rest 4 b0 files, And then I run DKE, the result was exactly like before, which reads,

command line: dke DKEParameters.dat
Diffusional Kurtosis Estimator (DKE) version 2.6.0, February 2015
Start date and time: May 08, 2018 16:21:14
Diffusional Kurtosis Estimator (DKE) version 2.6.0
Converting input DICOM images to NIfTI... complete.
Co-registering images...
Error using spm_hist2
Wrong number of dims (1).

Error in spm_coreg>optfun (line 165)
Error in spm_coreg (line 88)
Error in spm_powell (line 27)
Error in spm_coreg (line 143)
Error in dke_preprocess_dicom>coregister (line 207)
Error in dke_preprocess_dicom (line 78)
Reading input images... Error using dke_estimate (line 165)
Input NIfTI image F:\PN6\intermediate_processing\combined\rdki does not exist!
Error in dke (line 182)

and then I thought maybe i should extract bo series to another file so that I can put them into different columns in DKE, and then the result showed
command line: dke DKEParameters.dat
Diffusional Kurtosis Estimator (DKE) version 2.6.0, February 2015
Start date and time: May 08, 2018 16:43:06
Diffusional Kurtosis Estimator (DKE) version 2.6.0
Converting input DICOM images to NIfTI... ***************************************************
* The AcquisitionNumber counter does not appear *
* to be changing from one volume to another. *
* Another possible explanation is that the same *
* DICOM slices are used multiple times. *
* The conversion is having to guess how slices *
* should be arranged into volumes. *
* NCH_PROGLIO_001 / 9 / 1
Co-registering images...
Error using spm_hist2
Wrong number of dims (1).

Error in spm_coreg>optfun (line 165)
Error in spm_coreg (line 88)
Error in spm_powell (line 27)
Error in spm_coreg (line 143)
Error in dke_preprocess_dicom>coregister (line 207)
Error in dke_preprocess_dicom (line 78)
Reading input images... Error using dke_estimate (line 165)
Input NIfTI image F:\P7\intermediate_processing\combined\rdki does not exist!
Error in dke (line 182)

And then I thought maybe I should combine the two folder together and put it all in DKI series Column, and it reads exactly the same like before.
I'm running out of methods...

Attachment: bvecnew.txt