Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Oct 28, 2012 Tool/Resource: INCF
The program committee for the Göttingen Meeting 2013 has selected the plenary speakers and the symposia and composed the program of the meeting. The website for early registration and abstract submission will open in August 2012. Stipends will be available for the participation in the meeting. The deadline for abstract submission, early registration and stipend application is October 15, 2012 Plenary Lectures- Haim Sompolinsky (Jerusalem, Israel): Wednesday, March 13, 2013 (12:30 - 13:30) Opening Lecture
- Thomas Gasser (Tübingen, Germany): Wednesday, March 13, 2013 (12:30 - 13:30) Zülch Lecture
- Schilling Research Award, Till Photonics Technology Award: Thursday, March 14, 2013 (14:30 - 15:30) Award Lecture
- Miguel Nicolelis (Durham, USA): Thursday, March 14, 2013 (18:00 - 19:00) Hertie Lecture
- Erin M. Schuman (Franfurt/M., Germany): Friday, March 15, 2013 (14:30 - 15:30) Norbert Elsner Lecture
- Jason Kerr (Tübingen, Germany): Friday, March 15, 2013 (18:00 - 19:00) Roger Eckert Lecture
- Eve Marder (Waltham, USA): Saturday, March 16, 2013 (13:30 - 14:30) Ernst Florey Lecture
- Christian Haass (München, Germany): Saturday, March 16, 2013 (16:00 - 17:00) Otto Creutzfeldt Lecture
SymposiaWednesday, March 13, 2013 (15:00 – 18:00): Symposia I: 1 – 6 - 1. Christiane Thiel (Oldenburg), Gregor Rainer (Fribourg): The cholinergic system and visual attention: From animal to man
- 2. Tom Baden (Tübingen), Timm Schubert (Tübingen), Thomas Euler (Tübingen): Local synaptic coding in the retina
- 3. Sen Cheng (Bochum), Laurenz Wiskott (Bochum): The computational role of the hippocampus
- 4. Petra Henrich-Noack (Magdeburg), Bernhard Sabel (Magdeburg), Michael Nitsche (Göttingen): Non-invasive brain stimulation: mechanisms, effects and opportunities
- 5. Siegrid Löwel (Göttingen), Fred Wolf (Göttingen): “The paradox of the critical period” – rejuvenating cortical networks
- 6. Simone Kurt (Ulm), Jutta Engel (Homburg): Mouse models in hearing research: unraveling auditory processing from molecules to behavior
Thursday, March 14, 2013 (9:00 – 12:00): Symposia II: 7 – 12 - 7. Eckart Gundelfinger (Magdeburg), Anna Fejtova (Magdeburg): Functional organization of presynaptic neurotransmitter release sites
- 8. Paul A. Stevenson (Leipzig), Ricarda Scheiner (Potsdam): Neurochemical control of social behaviour in insects
- 9. Andreas Neef (Göttingen), Tatjana Tschumatchenko (New York): Timescales in neuronal population encoding and their biophysical basis
- 10. Axel Kohler (Münster), Erhan Genç (Frankfurt am Main): Differential brain science: towards an understanding of interindividual variation
- 11. Natalia Alenina (Berlin), Christian Müller (Erlangen): Serotonin: from brain development to behavior - new insights from animal models.
- 12. Marco Rust (Kaiserslautern), Walter Witke (Bonn): Cytoskeletal dynamics in neuronal migration
Friday, March 15, 2013 (9:00 – 12:00): Symposia III: 13 - 18 - 13. Martin Paul Nawrot (Berlin), Thomas Nowotny (Brighton): Olfactory learning: from insects to machines
- 14. Tiago Outeiro (Göttingen), Jochen Klucken (Erlangen): Molecular mechanisms and spreading of alpha-synuclein pathology in the brain
- 15. Till Schneider (Hamburg), Brigitte Röder (Hamburg): Cortical connectivity of crossmodal interactions
- 16. Victor Tarabykin (Berlin): Growing up in the brain: how do axons find their way?
- 17. Uwe-Karsten Hanisch (Göttingen), Susanne Wolf (Berlin): Heterogeneity of microglia
- 18. Andrew Plested (Berlin), Jana Kusch, (Jena): Optodynamics of channels and receptors
Saturday, March 16, 2013 (8:30 – 11:30): Symposia IV: 19 - 24 - 19. Jochen Meier (Berlin), Günter Schwarz (Köln): GABAergic mechanisms in neurobiology of disease
- 20. Christine Rose (Düsseldorf), Frank Kirchhoff (Homburg): Functional specializations of neuroglia as critical determinants of brain activity
- 21. Martin Heine (Magdeburg): Molecular mobility, a variable of neuronal communication
- 22. Carsten Duch (Tempe), Roland Strauss (Mainz): Insect motor control- From ion channels to learning, movement and robotics
- 23. Christian Lohr (Hamburg), Antje Grosche (Leipzig): Purinergic signaling in sensory systems
- 24. Michael Denker (Jülich), Sonja Grün (Jülich): Practically profiting from the complexity of massively parallel electrophysiological data
Programme Committee: Prof. Dr. Herta Flor (Chair) Prof. Dr. Mathias Bähr Prof. Dr. Nils Brose Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl Prof. Dr. Andreas Draguhn Prof. Dr. Andreas Engel Prof. Dr. Michael Frotscher Prof. Dr. Eckart Gundelfinger Prof. Dr. Helmut Kettenmann Prof. Dr. Sigrun Korsching Prof. Dr. Erwin Neher Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl Prof. Dr. Stefan Treue Prof. Dr. Rainer Schwarting Prof. Dr. Fred Wolf
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